How to start the day well - water with lemon and Himalayan salt

Drinking water with lemon and Himalayan salt right after waking up is an easy and efficient way to improve work of our organism. Such drink will let us hydrate organism after night water loss, deliver proper minerals and antioxydants.

What are the advantages of drinking water with lemon and Himalayan salt?

  • Lemon juice is a source of  flavonoids - compounds working as antioxidants. They protect our protein and DNA from activity of oxidative stress, it means, damaging cells caused by free radicals.
  • Lemon, despite its sour taste, works on our organism  alkalisingly (base), which lets us maintain proper acid-base balance.
  • It works as an electrolyte. Himalanyan salt has 84 minerals, elements and microelements - mainly zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium and iodine. Thanks to them, we will support digestion and metabolism, we will improve the heart work, dicrease sugar level in blood and we will improve respiratory system work.
  • Healthy complexion. Elements included in salt, such as chromium, iodine or zinc influence on our complexion condition improvement.

How to prepare?

Preparing a drink is banaly simple. We only need a good quality mineral water, half lemon juice and a pinch of pink Himalayan salt. A good idea is also adding a pinch of apple cider vinegar. It is best to drink it with empty stomach, just before breakfast.

Opublikowany dnia 29.05.2018 7795

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